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bash script to auto-generate SFZ files

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Inspired by danboid's original makesfz.sh script http://geekconnection.org/remastersys/forums/index.php?topic=1951.0

Running makesfz with no arguments creates individual SFZ files for every WAV file found in the current directory, with the key range spanning the entire keyboard and "pitch_keycenter" set to MIDI key C4 (middle C).

The script allows the key range and pitch_keycenter to be specified, a specific MIDI channel can be set, and WAV, FLAC, or OGG files can be used. Keys can be specified either by name (C-1 - G9, # or b allowed) or by MIDI key number (0 - 127).

For example, to set a key range from C2 - C5:

makesfz --lk C2 --hk C5

Alternatively, running 'makesfz -s' creates a single SFZ file named after the current directory (the file name can be set with the -n option). In this mode, each WAV file found is assigned its own MIDI key, by default starting at C4.

To create a single SFZ where the first sample starts on C3 and "one shot" is required:

makesfz -s -k C3 -1

Audio files can be treated as individual instruments or as instrument layers grouped either by sub-directory or by file name with numeric prefixes/suffixes indicating the layers.

For example, if the "layer marker" is set to "prefix":

00 kick1.flac
01 kick1.flac
02 kick1.flac
03 kick1.flac

become layers of kick1, and


become layers of kick2.

To scan for files inside a directory, pass the directory name to makesfz like so:

makesfz --files 'dir_name'

To scan for files grouped by sub-directory inside a directory use:

makesfz -L dirs --files 'parent_dir'

Options to reverse the sort order and to run the script in "interactive mode" are also available. To see the full list of options:

makesfz -h

For convenience of use, place the script in a directory included in the PATH environment variable (e.g. /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin).

makesfz requires bash v4.

Make SFZ

This is a Nautilus script to invoke makesfz in interactive mode. Any selected files will be passed as arguments to makesfz. The script assumes that makesfz is installed in a directory included in the PATH environment variable (e.g. /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin) and that xterm is available.

Near the top of the script are variables that may be modified if you need to specify the file path of makesfz or if you wish to use a terminal emulator other than xterm:

TERMINAL_COMMAND="xterm -hold -title MakeSFZ -font 9x15 -e"

Place the script in the Nautilus scripts directory, e.g. '~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts'. If Nautilus Scripts Manager is installed, place the script in '/usr/share/nautilus-scripts'.


KDE service menu .desktop file to invoke makesfz in interactive mode. It assumes that makesfz is installed in a directory included in the PATH environment variable (e.g. /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin).

Place the .desktop file in one of the service menu directories, e.g. '/usr/share/services/ServiceMenus'.

You can find the location of all service directories like so:

kde4-config --path services